Wednesday 24 June 2015

Netiquette Rules


Netiquette are the  rules of  etiquette that  apply when we are communicating over computer networks. It travelled from social life into business life over a slow period of some five thousand years. But in the past fifteen years, those good manners and procedures have come under pressures because of the Internet.

New Rules of Netiquette that one should follow

1. No spamming:  Remember that spam is unwanted electronic messages or sending the same electronic message over and over.  
2. Don’t plagiarize:  Someone spent a long time coming up with their content.  When you borrow something from someone, give them the credit.  Site their name or their site.  Give the site when you have gotten your information.
3. Use proper quotes and always use the whole quote: Don’t take quotes out of context and don’t be selective about which part of the quote you want to use.
4. Don’t gossip and keep personal information personal: Don’t tell stories that you don’t know for a fact to be true.  And often, just because it’s true, doesn’t mean that it needs to be repeated.
5. Don’t steal those photographs off the web even if they are a perfect fit for what you need: Chances are they are copyrighted and someone spent a long time putting that together. Get permission and give credit where credit is due.
6. Watch your language: Never use slang's while communicating .
7. Be patient with internet newbies:  Know that they are just learning like you did once upon a time.

Some Rules of Social Media Netiquette

1. Give and you shall receive : Help someone out and they will remember when you come to them at a later date asking for a favor.
2. Be polite while posting :  It really is one of the most effective methods of communicating with others on social media. One should say "please" and "thank you" and people will remember you.
3. Contribute something that should be a help for someone reading : Instead, take the time to really offer some value and make yourself useful to others. They will come back for more.
4. Listen more than you speak : You should listen twice as much as you speak. We listen to others and network with them.
5. Be kind : Being nice to everyone you meet, online and offline, is a great way to gain friends and make valuable contacts. Don’t be rude and make sure you listen to people and they will keep coming back.
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